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Revolutionizing the sawmill industry with artificial intelligence

As the leader of Finnos’ AI team, Chief Product Officer Tapio Leppälampi is deeply involved in the field of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence plays a central role in Finnos’ measurement systems. AI technology enables tasks such as identifying tree species, detecting faults, and individualizing logs, allowing each log to be tracked throughout various stages of production.

- Boosting production efficiency and improving raw material utilization are at the core of Finnos’ products. To achieve this, we utilize artificial intelligence, which offers countless opportunities for development, Chief Product Officer Tapio Leppälampi explains.

Leppälampi heads the AI team at Finnos, which specializes in areas such as neural network computing, computer vision, mathematical models, artificial intelligence, and machine learning systems. Tapio’s typical workday includes a daily meeting with his team, where he checks in on the progress of each team member’s tasks, offers assistance, and ensures smooth progress for everyone.

Tapio’s team works in a world of constant development. They must stay current with the latest advances, constantly learn and adapt, and analyze data to have a solid foundation for advancing their work. The team receives data from tests driven by customers, which they monitor and evaluate.

- Our job is to envision the future and shape an improved world of AI, which essentially means determining how data will be utilized in future products.

Working with AI involves problem-solving

Tapio Leppälampi has been working for Finnos since 2021, but his association with the organization actually dates further back. From 2009, Tapio worked for a company that has since become part of Finnos. Although he briefly worked elsewhere during that time, Tapio eventually made his way back to Finnos. When asked about his motivation to work, Tapio provides a lengthy response.

- A positive work community, teamwork, and being surrounded by talent and expertise are motivational factors for me. What’s even better is that being on the cutting edge of technology allows me to constantly learn something new. Working with AI involves continuous problem-solving, and it feels great to witness solutions come to life. And, since new measuring systems generate new kinds of data that require attention, there are plenty of problems to solve, Tapio describes.

Many of the sawmill industry processes, sorting systems included, have been developed by humans. Artificial intelligence enables us to rethink these familiar models and strive to improve material utilization ratios.

A community of innovation

Tapio finds the work culture at Finnos relaxed and values the proactive atmosphere. He also appreciates the company’s commitment to flexible working hours, personal development, and the opportunity to work remotely.

A sign of a developing work community is innovation.

- Ideas can be thrown around, and we also get to implement them. I can definitely recommend Finnos as a workplace to others as well. Employees have diverse tasks and opportunities for career advancement available here, Leppälampi explains.

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