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Driving customer engagement and efficiency in the log yard

Product manager Michael Aminoff oversees Log Yard Control and ensures that the work of drivers in the log yard is as efficient as possible. Key assets in his work include a genuine interest and a strong desire to solve customers’ challenges through software.


Michael’s career path at Finnos began in April 2021. Since then, time has flown by. Michael applied for a job at Finnos because of his experience in map-based software. After all, he had completed a bachelor’s thesis on route optimization, an area of expertise which was relevant to the position he was applying for.

The customer-oriented role also felt natural for Michael. He had extensive experience in customer interface, as he had worked on website development for micro and small businesses during his studies.

What does a product manager do?

Michael Aminoff’s job is to coordinate ongoing projects. As part of his expert role, he installs software on servers and makes sure the systems are seamlessly connected. A significant part of his work as a product manager involves demonstrating the product in the field alongside the sales team, Aminoff explains.

Customer demos are standard, and many of them turn into projects and client relationships. It is also important to visit new sites in person, as it makes training drivers and office staff more straightforward. Furthermore, Michael adds, it is fascinating to engage with customers and unravel their needs and preferences.

Defining integrations and various rules is also an important part of the job. For instance, Michael's work involves understanding how Log Yard Control should operate in different locations. There are often sawmill-specific details that need to be defined.

Overall, the job description is versatile. Michael is particularly interested in projects for foreign clients because they involve more customization. Why is that the case? Even though log yard control systems are not in use everywhere in Finland, the sorting processes are still similar. There is more variation in other countries, Michael clarifies.

As a product manager, Michael must be prepared for development. The product is sold as a service license, and updates are included in the service provided by Finnos, allowing updates to be made along the way. Michael’s work also involves coding for these updates. He gathers ideas and feedback from customers as a basis for development work.

Expertise in Log Yard Control

Michael Aminoff’s core expertise lies in Log Yard Control. In the early stages of his Finnos career, Aminoff had the opportunity to transform a pre-existing prototype into a marketable product designed to enhance the efficiency of drivers working in the log yard.

Log Yard Control is a log yard management system that, after measurement, identifies which storage location a log should be directed to. In the software, the driver can see where to retrieve the logs from and where to deliver them. The software operates in real-time and relies on GPS data. The idea is quite simple: the system tracks the actual situation in the log yard and optimizes tasks based on the gathered information.


In the demo picture, the heat map displays the density of vehicle events and indicates where the vehicle has been moving within a specific time frame.

What would you wish for from a customer?

Aminoff reflects for a moment. Then he concludes that he hopes for customer interest and commitment to the product and the project. The best results are achieved through collaboration with the customer.

As a product manager, Michael aims to encourage customers to actively provide bold development ideas. This way, both parties can gain more benefit from the joint project.

What is Finnos like as an employer?

Michael notes that there is plenty to praise and that Finnos is a great employer. At Finnos, proactiveness is rewarded, and everyone is provided space and time to focus on their own work. There is not a single unnecessary internal meeting.

Michael continues by stating that the job description is dynamic and there is no room for boredom. It’s great to visit various sawmills and meet different people and it feels good to have control of the product. Coding is fulfilling, and in this job, there are many opportunities to engage in it.

And what about Finnos from the point of view of the customer? Michael confirms that the reputation of Finnos among customers is also excellent. Recently, at a trade fair in Sweden, Finnos received positive feedback for their excellent service and project execution. Customers appreciate the fact that people at Finnos keep their word.

When asked about a successful project, Aminoff mentions a challenging installation at Metsä Fibre’s sawmill in Rauma. The project was extensive and involved rigorous testing in vehicles. However, everything went smoothly, and now it’s up and running in production, Michael smiles. It always feels good to achieve such milestones!


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